Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g

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Vendor : Naturelle ApS

Product Type : Økologisk sort sæbe til intimpleje

Sku : 24

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Black soap for intimate care

 African black intimate soap has been used by African women for intimate hygiene for several centuries.  This soap is the beauty secret of many African women. The soap is fantastic for caring for the intimate environment and removes bad odours. It is based on African herbs, which are known to care for the intimate environment. It is very important to take care of the delicate skin and to have a balanced and healthy intimate hygiene. This soap protects the intimate environment and keeps the vaginal opening tight and clean. The soap is handmade and is completely free of colors or fragrances. It contains good plant oils such as coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter that care and protect. When using the soap, the intimate environment will have a beautiful and natural scent.


 You need to moisten the soap with water, lather it up and massage it thoroughly into the intimate area. Wash off the soap with lukewarm water.

You can use the soap every day. African women use the soap both as an intimate soap and for intimate shaving. Among the women, the soap is called "the secret". It is simply the women's beauty secret.


The soap must be stored dry. Water must not get into the storage bucket that the soap comes in. Be sure to remove water from the bucket if water gets in after use.

We sell the original African black soap. Our black soaps are produced on the basis of ancient African beauty recipes.

Content: 50 ml


Description of the ingredients the soap contains:

Neem oil

Cold-pressed neem oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree. The tree is part of the mahogany family. Neem oil has a yellowish brown color and has a very distinct earthy smell. It is good to be mixed with geranium oil, cedarwood oil and sandalwood oil to soothe the distinctive smell that it originally contains..

Neem oil is considered a valuable oil around the world as it has the ability to cure many diseases and ailments. It has been used in Indian and African herbal medicine for thousands of years.

Neem oil is very rich in omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. As a beauty care oil, it is effective in removing pigments and age spots. It cares for and protects the skin and fights aging. It is antiviral, antibacterial and prevents infection.

Shea butter

Shea butter is a must-have in every home. Shea butter makes the skin delicious and soft. It is suitable for all skin types and all ages. Shea butter is a 100% pure and natural vitamin A & E ointment. Shea butter is known to be an absolutely excellent product with exceptional healing properties for the skin. Our shea butter is handmade and contains no preservatives or other additives. It cares for the skin and makes the hands soft. If you have tried many hand creams over the years, which do not meet your needs, you should try our shea butter. Don't use too much to avoid your hands getting greasy. Shea butter is a great gift to humanity. In many places in Africa, shea butter is used as a bath oil for babies or for adults with very dry skin. Shea butter is also used to care for and massage the delicate skin of newborn babies.

 Women use shea butter to prevent and treat stretch marks during and after pregnancy. After pregnancy, shea butter is used to massage the breasts in every night, because it is believed that shea butter gives strength to the breasts so that they do not sag too quickly. Shea butter is also used as an intimate salve. It builds up a protective film which prevents drying out.

Cocoa butter

The cocoa tree is a tropical evergreen tree that grows 5–12 meters tall. The flower sits directly on the stem, and from it develop up to 25 cm long and cucumber-like yellow-brown fruits. Inside the fruits are 20-40 cocoa beans. There is 45% fat in the beans. Cocoa butter   is produced by pressing the heated cocoa mass. The butter is yellowish-white and has a pleasant smell. The cocoa butter contains no polyunsaturated fatty acids and therefore has a fairly good shelf life. Cocoa butter is nourishing and protective for the skin. Like all other fats with many saturated fatty acids, it is especially good for dry skin.

Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder softens and firms the skin. It has a high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that blocks harmful free radicals in the body. Cocoa powder has a good amount of vitamin C and magnesium, which help protect the skin and keep it healthy. Cocoa powder helps to increase and protect the blood supply to the skin, keeping the skin healthy and glowing. It helps to improve the complexion of the skin. It also provides moisture to the skin, as cocoa contains a raw enzyme that repairs the cell and rejuvenates it.

Coconut oil

 Coconut oil is extracted from the nuts of the coconut palm. The oil is a solid fat that only becomes liquid at a temperature of 25-28 degrees. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and is known for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal abilities. It contains many different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which give it many different uses.

 Coconut oil is not just coconut oil

 The quality of coconut oil varies according to the production process. Handmade coconut oil contains significantly more vitamins and nutrients than coconut oil that has been highly refined in factories. The scent and color are also different. Handmade coconut oil has an off-white color and smells intensely of coconut. The scent is really lovely. Our coconut oil is soft in texture. It is handmade with lots of love and care. We can always guarantee a high quality of coconut oil. Coconut oil is a wonderful facial oil and protects your facial skin. You get a natural glow by using coconut oil.

 Aloe Vera

Aloe is a perennial herb originally from Sudan in Africa. Today it is cultivated all over the world.  It is a tropical succulent, which means it has thick, watery and juicy leaves. A succulent does not need very much water and can therefore withstand drying out. For that reason, it is thus resistant to drought. Aloe has been known for many centuries for its healing properties, which is why it is used both internally and externally. Aloe is used in cosmetics and in medicines. It is one of the most popular ingredients in cosmetics and is therefore found in many skin and hair care products such as creams, lotions, toners, soaps, shampoos and conditioners.


White kaolin clay is a great ingredient for facial care. It is the mildest of all mineral clays, and is therefore particularly suitable for sensitive and delicate skin. Kaolin clay is rich in silicon and aluminum silicate. It treats and heals the skin, and is effective against aging and prevents wrinkles




Aqua (water), natural potassium carbonate (made from coconut shell), Butyrospermum Parkii (shea butter), Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter (cocoa butter), Cocos Nucifera (coconut oil), Azadirachta Indica (neem oil), Azadirachta Indica (neem leaf) Aleo Vera (aleo vera), Kaolin (White clay), Citrus Limon (lemon), Manioc (cassava leaf) honey, chao leaf and organic African herbs




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Fjerner dårligt lugt og beskytter intimmiljøet

Sæben er fantastisk til at pleje intimmiljøet og fjerner dårlig lugt. Den er baseret på afrikanske urter, som er kendt for at pleje intimmiljøet. Det er meget vigtigt at pleje den sarte hud og at have en afbalanceret og sund intimhygiejne.

Indeholder økologiske planteolier og afrikanske urter 

Denne sæbe beskytter intimmiljøet og holder skedeåbningen stram og ren. Sæben er håndlavet og er fuldstændig uden farver eller duftstoffer. Den indeholder økologiske planteolier og afrikanske urter som egnet til at hele og beskytter underlivet. Sæben indeholder ligeledes kokosolie, sheasmør og kakaosmør der plejer og beskytter. Ved anvendelse af sæben vil intimmiljøet have en skøn og naturlig duft.


 Du skal fugte sæben med vand, skumme den op og massere den grundigt ind i intimmiljøet. Vask sæben af med lunkent vand.Du kan bruge sæben hver dag. Afrikanske kvinder anvender sæben både som intimsæbe og til intimbarbering. Sæben bliver blandt kvinderne kaldt “hemmeligheden”. Det er simpelthen kvindernes skønhedshemmelighed.


I generationer har sort sæbe været en vigtig del af afrikansk medicin og renselsesritualer. Vi brænder for at dele verdens bedste sæbe med dig . Vi videregiver og deler med dig de gamle vestafrikanere og egypteres skønhedshemmelighed. Vores sæber er produceret på baggrund af gamle skønhedsopskrifter fra Vestafrika & Egypten. Vi tilbyder autentiske og håndlavede sorte sæber som er produceret på baggrund af den gamle teknik som har været anvendt i flere århundreder i Vestafrika & Egypten

Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g
Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g

Sort afrikansk sæbe til intimpleje - øko & vegan 57g

99,00 kr
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Vi er tro mod visdommen og den gamle fremstillingsmetode af håndlavede sorte sæber, som er anvendt i flere århundreder i Vestafrika.

Tro mod vores afrikanske tradition for den gamle fremstillingsmetode af håndlavede sorte sæber, går vi ikke på kompromis med kvaliteten af vores sorte sæber.
Vores sorte sæber er produceret med en helt særlig og gammel teknik, som gør, at den føles skånsomt og dejligt på huden.

Vi garanterer topkvalitet sorte sæber, baseret på ældgamle opskrifter fra de gamle vestafrikanere.Vores sorte sæbe er ikke blot en sæbe; det er en kulturel oplevelse, som bringer ældgamle skønhedsritualer fra Vestafrika ind i den moderne hudpleje.

Desuden indeholder sæben masser af vitaminer og mineraler som opstrammer, renser, plejer og heler huden.

Vores sorte sæber er fri for kunstige tilsætningsstoffer og farvestoffer.Nyd naturens autentiske duft og den magiske touch af vores afrikanske sorte sæbe, som giver din hud næring og velvære !

Autentiske og håndlavede sorte sæber til dig

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Vores sort sæbe til ansigtspleje passer til alle hudtyper. Sæben er lavet på kun naturlige og økologiske ingredienser. Den føles  mild og skøn på huden.