1 pc. black soap for body care + mesh sponge in Egyptian cotton - eco & vegan 190g
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Vendor : Naturelle ApS
Product Type : Organic black soap for body care
Sku : 23654
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Treat yourself to purity and beauty with our black soap for body care
Our black soap for body care is an authentic and traditional soap which is made using the old soap-making technique invented in West Africa hundreds of years ago by the ancient West Africans. We do not compromise on quality and therefore respect the wisdom and rituals behind the production of the authentic black soap. The soap has a natural and pleasant scent of organic cocoa and shea butter, moringa, coconut oil, traditional African herbs and other nutritious ingredients. It is a very nutritious soap that cleans, cares for and heals the skin in depth.
The soap contains no caustic soda, and therefore gives a gentle and lovely feeling on the skin compared to the conventional soaps. With daily use of the soap, you will achieve tight and beautiful skin without the use of dangerous chemicals.
Our black soap is free from artificial ingredients, dyes and perfumes, allowing you to enjoy the authentic scent of naturalness while washing your body. It is suitable for all skin types
Our black soap is not just a soap; it is a cultural experience that brings ancient beauty rituals from West Africa into modern skin care
Weight: 190g
Contents: 1 piece of black soap for body care + mesh sponge in 100% Egyptian cotton
Pamper your skin with one of the world's absolute most effective beauty secrets
Our African Black Soap is the authentic and traditional soap that has been used for centuries in Africa. African black soap is among the world's healthiest and most healing soaps. It cares for the skin and prevents skin disorders.
The soap is produced using an old technique, which means that it is very nutritious. It has a very high content of vitamins E & A.
It contains no perfumes, colors or other additives. It is made using good and vitamin-rich plant oils, minerals and herbs. The soap tightens, smoothes and moisturizes the skin with certainty.
Handcrafted from scratch by women from small communities
Our black soaps are completely handmade by skilled and resourceful African women who have great expertise in black soap making.
The production and authenticity of black soap has been passed down for generations and the women have continued the original philosophy behind the soap. Namely, a soap that only contains natural and handmade ingredients. following the women's own story, black soap is not only a soap that treats, removes pimples and acne, but it has the ability to heal both body and soul.
We have a valuable collaboration with the women. We give good prices for the goods, so that the women can make a living from their profession.
How to use the soap
For body care - suitable for shower or bath. The soap must be used together with a net sponge.
It foams and has a deep cleansing, but mild and moisturizing effect, which leaves the skin soft and delicious. You can use it morning and evening. Then apply body lotion or body butter.
All skin types can benefit from African black soap. Most people who use the soap are very satisfied with its effect on their skin. The soap can be used by all skin types, dry, oily, combined delicate and sensitive and normal skin.
The soap must be stored dry. Since black soap absorbs water, do not leave it in water after use. Water must not enter the storage bucket that the soap comes in. Be sure to remove water from the bucket if water should get in after use.
We sell the original African black soap. Our black soaps are produced on the basis of ancient African beauty recipes.
There are many black soaps on the market. You just need to be aware that the original black soap is not black in color but BROWN.
Contents: 1 piece of black soap for body care and 1 piece of mesh sponge
100% natural product
Ingredients for our black soap for body care:
Aqua (water), Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos plant), Azadirachta indica (neem oil), Bambusoideae (activated charcoal), Butyrospermum parkii (shea butter), Calcium Bentonite (mineral clay), Coffea canephora (robusta), Cocos nucifera (coconut oil), Kinkeriba tea, Manihot esculenta (manioc), Montmorillonite (Multani Mitti), Moringa oleifera (moringa root powder), Musa ( banana leaf), Natural potassium carbonate (made from cassava root husk and coconut husk), Theobroma Cacao (cocoa powder), Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter (cocoa butter) and traditional African herbs for body care

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Autentiske håndlavede produkter
Vidste du, at det vigtigste ved hudpleje, er den sæbe du bruger?
Autentisk & handlavet sort afrikansk sæbe
Autentisk afrikansk sort sæbe er blandt verdens sundeste og mest helende sæber. Sæben plejer hud, og bekæmper psoriasis, akne, dermatitis, eksem og andre hudproblemer. Sæben fremhæver og udjævner hudens naturlige farve. Den er håndlavet, og er fuldstændig uden farver eller duftstoffer

Stram og flot hud
Opnå flot og stram hud med vores sort sæbe til kropspleje. Sæben er egnet til alle uanset alder. Sort sæbe bliver brugt til at vaske spædbørn, da det er den mildeste og mest næringsfulde sæbe som findes. Den er fyldt med gode planteolier & urter som plejer huden.
I generationer har sort sæbe været en vigtig del af afrikansk medicin og renselsesritualer. Vi brænder for at dele verdens bedste sæbe med dig . Vi videregiver og deler med dig de gamle vestafrikaneres skønhedshemmelighed. Vores sæber er produceret på baggrund af gamle skønhedsopskrifter fra Vestafrika. Vi tilbyder autentiske og håndlavede sorte sæber som er produceret på baggrund af den gamle teknik som har været anvendt i flere århundreder i Vestafrika.
Sorte sæber til kropspleje er fremstillet med omhu ved hjælp af håndlavede og økologiske ingredienser

Vi er tro mod visdommen og den gamle fremstillingsmetode af håndlavede afrikanske sorte sæber som har eksisteret i flere århundreder i Vestafrika
Vi er tro mod den gamle afrikanske tradition for fremstilling af håndlavede afrikanske sorte sæber, derfor går vi ikke på kompromis med kvaliteten.Vores sorte sæber er produceret med en helt særlig og gammel teknik, som har været anvendt i Vestafrika i flere århundreder. Denne traditionelle metode sikrer, at vores sorte sæber er meget næringsrige, føles meget skånsomme og dejlige på huden.
Hvordan bruger du vores sorte sæbe til kropspleje?
Til kropspleje - velegnet til brusebad eller karbad.
Sæben skal anvendes sammen med en netsvamp.Den skummer og har en dybderensende, men mild og fugtgivende effekt, som efterlader huden blød og lækker. Du kan bruge den morgen og aften.
Påfør derefter bodylotion eller body butter.Alle hudtyper kan have gavn af afrikansk sort sæbe. De fleste, der bruger sæben, er meget tilfredse med dens effekt på deres hud. Sæben kan bruges af alle hudtyper, tør, fedtet, kombineret sart og sensibel og normal hud.